About Energy Medicine

I'm no longer offering in-person sessions here, but someday, I look forward to inviting you to my table once again!
Our bodies carry a library of memories, emotions, traumas (big and small), and belief constructs, including beliefs around what we deserve and what we are capable of achieving in life.
Emotions are energy in motion (e-motion). When we experience trauma or strong emotions but are unable to process them in the moment - due to an unsafe environment, not having an empathetic witness to our pain/trauma, or the lack of healthy emotional expression modeled within our family, - those unexpressed emotions get tucked away somewhere in the body, until it's either safe to be expressed and/or we've learned the necessary tools for expressing them.
These unresolved emotions may get stirred up when we encounter situations that feel similar, or have elements that remind our subconscious mind or our body of that original wounding. Everyday interactions, as well of bigger life transitions like moving, career changes, new relationships, processing a breakup, or preparing to create a family will often bring things to surface to work on as you move forward - to level up your energy as your life levels up.
Our bodies also carry ancestral woundings and belief constructs through our family lines. For roughly four months, we existed as an egg inside our mother while she grew inside our grandmother. Our cells not only carry energy from our mothers, but also from our grandmothers, and their grandmothers, and so on. Ancestral healing allows us to release and heal the traumas of our ancestors, to release and heal for ourselves, and to release that burden from those that may follow us.
We may also carry woundings from past lives that influence our current lives. These may show up as fears we can't trace to an origination event, or in the ways we use, or limit, our voices. It may even show up in how we hesitate to share our gifts as healers, teachers, or creators, or how much we trust our own intuition and instincts. Our early childhood experiences can also influence these same areas as well.
These are some of the foundational areas that I support others through during their own healing. I hold space for these emotions and memories to process through and out, in a safe container and energetically held environment. This container allows for your truths to surface, while simultaneously and gently dismantling the false belief constructs that have been built around who you are and what you are capable of. This is the process of unbecoming; releasing all that is not truly yours, or truly you.
I offer this support through a blend of different tools, including energy healing/shamanic reiki, channeled sound healing, medical intuition, shadow work, integrating the wounded inner child, soul retrieval, past life healing, intuitive movement, somatic experiencing, cord cutting, and guided meditations and visualizations.
Some of the work can show up very consciously, with one or both of us having an understanding of what’s showing up through imagery, memories, or knowings. Other times, the work might show up very ethereally, meditative, or body-oriented, and we may only have a vague understanding of what’s showing up. In those moments, we simply drop into trusting that your body and your energy are wise and know exactly what needs to be done, and that our guides are supporting and leading the way as well.